Board Recruitment Content

Welcome to Hagar’s Sisters. Thank you for your interest in becoming a Board Member.

Below is information to learn more about us:

Watch the Biblical perspective on abuse taught by Rev. Dr. Will Barnett, lead pastor of Highrock, Acton and Hagar’s Sisters Board Member

NEXT: Documents to review:


Download to read Hagar’s Sisters Bylaws by clicking HERE.


Learn more about our current Board Members by reading their bios HERE.


What is expected of a board member? Learn more HERE.


What committees are available on the Board? Learn more HERE.

NEXT: Steps for you to take:

To indicate your interest in taking the next step in exploring this opportunity, please review, and if you are in agreement, sign and return the Statement of Faith, Conflict of Interest, and Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement to Val Traore at

If you do not believe God is calling you to Hagar’s Sisters, we appreciate your prayerful consideration and ask that you notify We wish you God’s abundance in your life as you pursue God’s calling on your life.

Once you download, review, sign and return these documents, you will receive an email with your next step.

Thank you for your interest in serving with Hagar’s Sisters!

Connect with us

Be Inspired, Learn, Take a Stand

Join our email list if you would like to receive occasional information about upcoming events. If you are already a Sister, and need to connect with a Care Coordinator, please email
For other questions, please call (978) 266-0053.