
We are glad you’re here and acknowledge the myriad of emotions you may experience for why you’re visiting. While we don’t know the details of your specific story, we recognize it. Many of us at Hagar’s Sisters have walked a similar journey. We, too, have experienced the disappointment of our relationships not being what we expected only to learn there was more going on than relational discord. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. For now, we invite you to look around and think about what you see. And when you’re ready, we’re here to listen.

Here you will find safety and compassion, listening hearts and prayerful support.

Welcome to Hagar’s Sisters. You are not alone.

Love shouldn’t hurt.

It’s NEVER okay for a partner to:

    • Hurt you physically by pushing, hitting, restraining, or choking you
    • Hurt you emotinolly by calling you names, being condescending, or putting you down
    • Touch you without consent
    • Threaten to harm you, your family, or themselves
    • Blame you for the problems in your relationship
    • Deny you access to money, food, transportation, friends, and family

What happens when it does?

Though it may feel this way, you are not powerless. There is a way through the confusion, the fear, the uncertainty. In fact, you’ve already taken a courageous step by visiting this website. And it’s likely you’ve taken other courageous steps, you just haven’t recognized that courage yet. That’s okay. We believe you will find it … and more.

So, what can you do today? You can choose hope. You can choose, in this moment, to believe how you’ve been treated is wrong. You can learn more about your experience, find language that describes it, take steps to become safe, and, when you’re ready, join a community of Sisters who are ready to walk with you and cheer you on.

Now, let’s learn a bit about Hagar’s Sisters.

Who is Hagar’s Sisters?

Learn more about us by watching the video below or clicking here.

Don’t just take our word for it. Listen as a few women share how Hagar’s Sisters impacted their lives.

Now what?

Five ways you can choose hope today:



One way you can choose hope today is by learning about your experience. What do healthy and unhealthy relationships look like? What is abuse? Click here to learn more.


Reach Out

Connect with a Care Coordinator who will listen, encourage, and pray with you.

Call: 978.266.0053 ext 1

Email: Care@HagarsSisters.org



Say yes to our Sisterhood! We invite you to prayerfully consider taking the courageous step toward healing by joining our program giving you access to safety planning, DV education, discussions about the intersection of domestic abuse and faith, support group courses, and much more!



 The beginning of our program is self-paced, empowering you to begin learning right where you are! All you need is a safe place, access to the internet, and a phone, tablet, or computer to engage with our Sister Portal. Your course content, work, and meeting links are safely housed there.


Follow us on social media. When you click follow, like, or share a post you help other women, perhaps like you, find hope and community through Hagar’s Sisters.

Are you ready to take the next step?

Simply fill out this form with your name and a safe email. A Care Coordinator will reach out and schedule a time to talk.

You can also call 978.266.0053 ext 1 and leave a message.

You are not alone . . . there is hope and healing is possible.

Connect with a Care Coordinator today

We are praying for you, and are here when you’re ready.

Connect with us

Be Inspired, Learn, Take a Stand

Join our email list if you would like to receive occasional information about upcoming events. If you are already a Sister, and need to connect with a Care Coordinator, please email Care@HagarsSisters.org.
For other questions, please call (978) 266-0053.